Increasing Self-Esteem and Confidence

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There are 4 ways that helped me to increase my self-esteem and confidence.

 The first is Competence.  Competence is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. One secret is to be able to trust what you are able to do. This comes with a lot of practice and study. Whenever you practice a given skill, you increase your own confidence in your capability to perform. Get one of my self-help Workbooks or Journals to assist you in the removal of Negative thinking and increase your self-confidence. 


Before a presentation or speaking on a subject become knowledgeable of what you're going to be speaking about so that your confidence won't have a choice but to increase. Try to know everything about the topic before you present your ideas. And if you practice this every time your confidence when communicating will increase. 

The second is that I Believe in Myself. One of the reasons people are not confident in themselves is that they have already convinced themselves that they will fail before anything has taken place. 

Never underestimate the power of the mind. If you believe you will fail, you indeed will! 

A better way of thinking is to believe that you will succeed. Set your mind towards succeeding and you will!

Make sure you purchase a Self-Help Workbook or Journal to 

Remove Negative Thinking Patterns, Remove Self- Sabotage 



Another way to boost your Self-Confidence is by taking criticisms, whether it is Good or Bad. Most people are bad at taking criticisms. Instead of taking the criticisms personally, use every comment and suggestion to make yourself better. This is when you can self-analyze. But also keep a lookout for some criticisms that were never meant to benefit you. Ignore them and move on. And always focus on being a better YOU for YOU.

And last is to Remain Focused at All Costs. Confusion and Panick never benefited anybody. If you are suddenly in a situation where you are unsure of what to do or what will happen, keep your composure and stay focused on the PRIZE. If you don’t know the answers, acknowledge them calmly, and get back to focusing on the main ideas. These are some of the ways that assisted me in Increasing my self-esteem and confidence. 

And here are the tools to aid in that process.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this and good luck on your journey. :)

